Tuesday, 26 January 2016
Double page spread feature.
The story untold..
The word that everybody fears the most to say as it brings bad images/thoughts
to minds, or it’s just a hard word to pronouns for some. For the people
who are reading this article and have no clue to what schizophrenia is,
this is a long term mental disorder some people can have, it is a
breakdown in relation between thoughts, emotions and behaviour it can
lead to inappropriate actions and feelings, where
they don't realize from reality and personal relationships
into fantasy and delusions. Basing a production around this
is difficult in terms of making sure that I am not personally
insulting anyone and trying to change the perspective of people thoughts/views
on mental illness. This is something serious and should not be a topic that is
taken lightly and throughout the production, I have tried to make it out so its
allowing the audience to understand of how someone could feel if they do
have mental illness but also to actually to consideration of what it could be
like if they were put into this position, a position where there is no way
to escape, no one is there to help, the sense of feeling alone and a position
where you feel like you don't fit into this world as if you’re an
different kind of creature to the rest.
Emotion. Pain. Thoughts. Behaviour. These 4 words all connect
with each other; feeling an emotion such as pain can bring up thoughts that
certain individuals would have memories and thoughts with it, this would
be playing around their minds for a long time and in result it can be something
that makes the person behaves the certain way they do. This is the same as
people who have schizophrenia, they have it as a long-term thing where
they can't help what they do and act but it is there for them, and it is
something that they can't change… Isn't this similar to what people
feel? Yes, it may not be a continuous feelings and a messy situation,
but just because there is a disorder named after this doesn't mean that
they need to be singled out from everyone. From this production as a director,
I have tried to show how it can be for people who are in this situation, as I
want to make people aware of what it is like for them, how they are just like
everyone else but they are always in their own mind. I have
linked this to relationships as many people in the audience can
connect with and create an identification through
the relationship part of the film and just see it if they were
in the movie themselves and see people who have this "illness"
are normal people too regardless the fact that society have singled them
out just because they are part of a "mental illness". People
view things differently and that is fine, they have their
own opinion, which is respectable; however, there is a point where
people need to understand there are boundaries and a limit to some
things that they do not need cross to hurt someone, but many people don't
take this consideration as they talk about mental illness or other serious
issues as it wouldn't do no damage to individuals - people suffer, and most
of it is through silence, it can lead to things like serious issues like
self-harm, keeping themselves in starvation etc. just
because society doesn't get what it is like with pressure or
just generally don't know how it could feel like for someone with
mental illness, it doesn't mean that people can create them
any different or seem them in a strange way.
This production is meant to
change people’s thoughts and views, about how society can single out
people, especially focusing on mental illness. This production is there
for audiences to understand that everyone is the same
and shouldn't separate others just because they may act
different to you, or you do not understand them. Through this I want people
to realize that it’s never bad to help people through their hard
was originally inspired from watching a scene from "Donnie
Darko", where it made me feel as though that people need to understand the
emotions of someone with deep troubles and the idea of basing the
production around schizophrenia. The inspiration came from a simple
feeling whilst watching a sense from "Donnie Darko" - which was
feeling connected and understanding. I felt in need to doing similar with
my production in sense of give the audience the same feeling, and I felt
that giving them a direct message, to something that not many don't
really spend their time thinking about but also a subject that
people don't want to face because they don't think it is important.
Mental illness is something that not many people don't want to come in thoughts
with and through making this movie, I want people to have a
different perspective of this subject, to see that mental
illness shouldn't be the reason why the single out people just because
they have it and act different towards. End of the day they are still humans.
Leaving this
article with a simple quote: “The way you treat people says a lot about
who you are. Be careful. Your actions are screaming over your words."
~ Thema Davis ~
Friday, 22 January 2016
MEST2: Progress report - 20th January
- Work completed since 6 January
- shot list finalised and finished
- made the drafts of the shot list, storyboard and script
- shot one of our scenes which was the bridge scene
- helped finalised the script
- audience research focus group
- BBFC institution research
- Art house film house institution research
- Existing product research
- Print brief: photoshoot & planning and research.
- audience research focus group
- BBFC institution research
- Art house film house institution research
- Existing product research
- Print brief: photoshoot & planning and research.
- Any incomplete pre-production tasks
- drawing and the storyboard would need to finished properly
- Next steps/Action plan
- need to start filming other scenes for our production
- start on editing when finished the filming.
- start on editing when finished the filming.
- Date filming will be complete
- end of January the latest.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
MEST2: Print Brief - Research Planning and Sketching
1) Key conventions. Look over the magazine cover key conventions notes sheet and ensure you can confidently identify the key aspects that are found on a magazine cover.
2) Write an analysis of this BFI Film Festival programme front cover. How many of the 12 key conventions of magazine covers can you see? In what way does this print product differ from a traditional magazine cover? How have the designers made this programme visually interesting?
3) Find at least 5 arts centre or cinema programmes/brochures aimed at a similar target audience to your project (arthouse cinema). For each one, pick out one design idea that you could use in your own print work.
4) Find at least 5 contents pages from arts programmes or magazines. How are contents pages designed? How do they use a combination of text and images to create an effective design?
2. For the BFI Film Festival Programme front cover has many key conventions of magazine covers that are matched with many other magazine covers, the key conventions that they have used in this magazine is the title of the publication, this key convention compliments the rest of the magazine techniques and allows the audiences to get a hint of what the magazine can be about. The magazine also includes convention like the logo, this is an important convention as it allows the audiences to know which company has published/made this article. Effectively the central image is used in between the title of the magazine, this allows the magazine to be different from the others and allows the magazine to stand out from the others simply because of their layout of the design, as the full image can not be seen, it still meets the requirements of the colour scheme that has shown throughout the magazine, this something that allows the audiences to want to read and pay attention to the article it self, hence why the colours of the blue, red and orange - the consistency gives the clean and professional look that allows the magazine to attract and meet the standards of the company itself. Something else that is typical to have within the magazine in a cover is the date, this key convention is something that is typical to have, just so then the audience are aware of when the magazine was given and maybe in this case of how long the BFI london Film Festival would last for.
- central images takes up most of the front cover
- Writing on the bottom of the page.
4. The content pages:
The use of the content pages have the images in the centre of the images in mini boxes and the actual text of the pages are set to the right side.
Consistent use of colour.
- font.
- images overlapping the double page spread
- black and white theme just for images
- landscape style.
- centre image of the person not shown
- text are smaller and similar sizes - use of the bold in the 'topics'
- smaller text at the bottom of the page with a promotion sign at the bottom.
- images that could be inside the actual article
- page numbers are within the shape of the stars
- use of other information added into the content pages
- different fonts - importance to the information they are addressing.
- use of the colour scheme: compliments the article itself along with the font writing.
- use of colour for the different numbers and the text
- set of images lined at the bottom of the page.
- one image is bigger than others whilst other are in boxes.
- images gives the audiences an insight to what it could be involved in the article.
Planning and sketching
1) Create a spider diagram or bullet point list of all the things your target audience might be interested in. How can you use this information to create a main feature about your film that will appeal to your target audience?
- celebrities
- latests movies
- gamings
- Latests technology
- TV shows gossips.
With the listings I have said above could be something that may appeal and be in the interests of the target audience, i would try to use this information by mentioning them as side information either on the double page spread or the side of the content page - on whichever page it will be on - its going to be at the side of the image because it can be something that acts like a little note or information the audience can have a glance or a read at before turning the page.
2) Produce an A5 sketch of your front cover including the key conventions and design tricks you have studied in existing programmes and then planned in planning task 1 above.
3) Produce an A4 sketch of your double-page spread contents page. In terms of the text for your contents page, you will need to find out the names of the films of other groups in your class. The other films in the class will make up the rest of your contents page.
4) Create a spider diagram or bullet point list of ideas for your double-page spread feature. Write a list of potential headlines and sub-headings for the article you choose to go with.
- quotes from either the production itself that have been used or from the text.
- how the production went - the process
- the deeper meaning of the movie - what made us choose the topic that we did
- my understanding/interpretation of the production.
5) Produce an A4 landscape sketch of your double page spread design now you have chosen the subject matter.
1) Key conventions. Look over the magazine cover key conventions notes sheet and ensure you can confidently identify the key aspects that are found on a magazine cover.
2) Write an analysis of this BFI Film Festival programme front cover. How many of the 12 key conventions of magazine covers can you see? In what way does this print product differ from a traditional magazine cover? How have the designers made this programme visually interesting?
![]() |
BFI London Film Festival front cover. |
3) Find at least 5 arts centre or cinema programmes/brochures aimed at a similar target audience to your project (arthouse cinema). For each one, pick out one design idea that you could use in your own print work.
4) Find at least 5 contents pages from arts programmes or magazines. How are contents pages designed? How do they use a combination of text and images to create an effective design?
2. For the BFI Film Festival Programme front cover has many key conventions of magazine covers that are matched with many other magazine covers, the key conventions that they have used in this magazine is the title of the publication, this key convention compliments the rest of the magazine techniques and allows the audiences to get a hint of what the magazine can be about. The magazine also includes convention like the logo, this is an important convention as it allows the audiences to know which company has published/made this article. Effectively the central image is used in between the title of the magazine, this allows the magazine to be different from the others and allows the magazine to stand out from the others simply because of their layout of the design, as the full image can not be seen, it still meets the requirements of the colour scheme that has shown throughout the magazine, this something that allows the audiences to want to read and pay attention to the article it self, hence why the colours of the blue, red and orange - the consistency gives the clean and professional look that allows the magazine to attract and meet the standards of the company itself. Something else that is typical to have within the magazine in a cover is the date, this key convention is something that is typical to have, just so then the audience are aware of when the magazine was given and maybe in this case of how long the BFI london Film Festival would last for.
- The use of the central being the main attention, but smaller pictures at the side to let the audience know what else is involved in the magazine.
- Logo at the left corner
- colour scheme
- Collage of the different images behind the central image.
- smaller text at the bottom
- in some way the colours seems to fit to each other - used sensibly
- use of words within the central image
- Black and white colour scheme
- Texture that is along with the images
- simplicity
- the use of the texture/heading
- landscape theme.
- consistent use of the layout
- images along the side.
- central images takes up most of the front cover
- Writing on the bottom of the page.
4. The content pages:
The use of the content pages have the images in the centre of the images in mini boxes and the actual text of the pages are set to the right side.
Consistent use of colour.
- font.
- images overlapping the double page spread
- black and white theme just for images
- landscape style.
- centre image of the person not shown
- text are smaller and similar sizes - use of the bold in the 'topics'
- smaller text at the bottom of the page with a promotion sign at the bottom.
- images that could be inside the actual article
- page numbers are within the shape of the stars
- use of other information added into the content pages
- different fonts - importance to the information they are addressing.
- use of the colour scheme: compliments the article itself along with the font writing.
- use of colour for the different numbers and the text
- set of images lined at the bottom of the page.
- one image is bigger than others whilst other are in boxes.
- images gives the audiences an insight to what it could be involved in the article.
Planning and sketching
1) Create a spider diagram or bullet point list of all the things your target audience might be interested in. How can you use this information to create a main feature about your film that will appeal to your target audience?
- celebrities
- latests movies
- gamings
- Latests technology
- TV shows gossips.
With the listings I have said above could be something that may appeal and be in the interests of the target audience, i would try to use this information by mentioning them as side information either on the double page spread or the side of the content page - on whichever page it will be on - its going to be at the side of the image because it can be something that acts like a little note or information the audience can have a glance or a read at before turning the page.
2) Produce an A5 sketch of your front cover including the key conventions and design tricks you have studied in existing programmes and then planned in planning task 1 above.
3) Produce an A4 sketch of your double-page spread contents page. In terms of the text for your contents page, you will need to find out the names of the films of other groups in your class. The other films in the class will make up the rest of your contents page.
4) Create a spider diagram or bullet point list of ideas for your double-page spread feature. Write a list of potential headlines and sub-headings for the article you choose to go with.
- quotes from either the production itself that have been used or from the text.
- how the production went - the process
- the deeper meaning of the movie - what made us choose the topic that we did
- my understanding/interpretation of the production.
5) Produce an A4 landscape sketch of your double page spread design now you have chosen the subject matter.
Thursday, 14 January 2016
MEST2: Print brief - Photoshoot
1) Which of your main characters will appear on the front cover of your programme?
2) What image or images do you need for the contents page?
3) What image or images will you use for the double-page spread?
4) Write a shot list for the photoshoot. Make sure you plan a variety of camera shots you will look to capture - medium shots, close-ups etc.
5) What costume, props or make-up will you require for the photoshoot?
6) How will you make sure you have everything prepared for the photoshoot on Wednesday 20 January?
1. The main protagonist: Katie
2. The images that I would have or i am thinking to have are:
- Katie having her back against the camera, slightly out of forced with a spotlight shinning towards her.
- Katie looking straight in to the camera with a slight pose
- Katie facing on her side
- Having Katie at far distant into the shoot.
3. having Katie at far distance into the shoot
close up shot of Katie looking directly at the camera
Katies shadow sitting side ways/ darker shadow.
Flowers in Katies hair and she's looking straight into the camera
5. - Long shot of Katie in the distance
- medium close up shot of Katies' back against the camera
-close up shot of Katie concentrated face but calm
- medium close up of Katie's face
- low angled shot of Katie pushing her hands to towards the camera so the face can't be seen
- medium close up of katie sitting side wise whilst looking away from the camera
- close up shot of Katie looking into the camera whilst she has flowers in her hair. 6.
Black eyeliner
Red lipstick
grey hoodie
booties / converses
lose open hair
1) Which of your main characters will appear on the front cover of your programme?
2) What image or images do you need for the contents page?
3) What image or images will you use for the double-page spread?
4) Write a shot list for the photoshoot. Make sure you plan a variety of camera shots you will look to capture - medium shots, close-ups etc.
5) What costume, props or make-up will you require for the photoshoot?
6) How will you make sure you have everything prepared for the photoshoot on Wednesday 20 January?
1. The main protagonist: Katie
2. The images that I would have or i am thinking to have are:
- Katie having her back against the camera, slightly out of forced with a spotlight shinning towards her.
- Katie looking straight in to the camera with a slight pose
- Katie facing on her side
- Having Katie at far distant into the shoot.
3. having Katie at far distance into the shoot
close up shot of Katie looking directly at the camera
Katies shadow sitting side ways/ darker shadow.
Flowers in Katies hair and she's looking straight into the camera
5. - Long shot of Katie in the distance
- medium close up shot of Katies' back against the camera
-close up shot of Katie concentrated face but calm
- medium close up of Katie's face
- low angled shot of Katie pushing her hands to towards the camera so the face can't be seen
- medium close up of katie sitting side wise whilst looking away from the camera
- close up shot of Katie looking into the camera whilst she has flowers in her hair. 6.
Black eyeliner
Red lipstick
grey hoodie
booties / converses
lose open hair
Thursday, 7 January 2016
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